Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Tackling stuff

Today was a crazy busy day. Because we are staying put for a couple of days and have shore power, we were able to tackle some stuff we’ve been meaning to do for a while. We worked all day long, and Mar did the rest of the laundry on top of that.

We pretty much turned Bella upside down, while cleaning and organizing shelves and cabinets, looking for things we have not used since we’ve been on the road so we can get rid of the clutter.

We ended up with two bags full of clothes that we can’t wear anymore and we gave them to our hosts to sell in their yard sale this coming weekend.

It is amazing that after a year on the road with very little storage, stuff still seems to accumulate. We don’t know how, but it must come from somewhere. We have made a commitment to eat healthier and lose weight and not to get any stuff we don’t absolutely need.

It has been so nice being here to park and socialize with our new friends. They are very welcoming and know just how to make us feel right at home. Christina made ribs for dinner tonight. They were yummy and we even went back for seconds. We can always start the diet tomorrow :-)

We’ve made all the preparations we can think of for our camping trip this week. We will be boondocking for several days and may not have internet access. If that is the case, please know that we will update our blog as soon as we can.


Christina said...

We sure enjoyed you ladies staying with us. Getting to meet you was a pleasure. I am still on cloud 9. I am more determined than ever to want to go on the road now after talking with you's. Still have to convince Larry. I think an RV would be better than a TT. Almost have him convinced of that part. As long as he can take his motorcycle he says he'd be happy. Again thanks for stopping by. Our Best,
Larry and Christina

Mar said...

It was fun meeting you two also!

Can't wait to hear of your adventures on the road. I think you'd love having a motorhome, go for it!