
campground was nearly empty by the time we were ready to go. Only a few RVs still remained. The temperature was much nicer today, nowhere near as cold as it was last night.
Before we got ready to go Bernie checked the batteries and the engine fluids. She had a few sparks fly by accidentaly hitting the positive post on the house battery, ooops …
Then we headed north on the Trace and today we drove the last 60 miles of it.
At milepost 407.7 we stopped to see one of the few remaining buildings of the Old Trace, the home of ferry oper

ator John Gordon. This home on the Duck River was one of the first brick buildings in the area.
Our last stop on the

Trace was at milepost 438. After crossing over the bridge there, we got out and walked down a path to see this double arched bridge that has won several awards for its design. This bridge is 155 feet high.
After that, we reached the end of the Trace just south of Nashville TN. The next thing we saw was the well kno

wn Loveless Motel and Café. First we went to their gift shop, Hams and Jams, where you can buy a country ha

m for $60. We got two T-cakes to sample them because Oprah likes them (according to the sign there).
Then we went to the restaurant to get something to go. The staff was really nice and they were very interested i

n our travels. We got two drumsticks from the children’s menu and half a dozen biscuits with jam. The very same biscuits that have been made famous by the Biscuit Lady. www.lovelesscafe.com
Before we left there, we took t

onight’s dinner out of the freezer and put it on the engine block to heat it up. We then went to the Nashville visitor center, which was not your

typical visitor center. It is inside a huge glass cone right in the middle of downtown. While we were there we got to rock out on a fake stage. Then we walked around the area a bit to get a taste of the Nashville downtown scene.

Next we went to the Bicentennial Capitol Mall State Park, which is a gorgeous park. There is an impressive hist

ory wall, a walkway with all 95 TN counties, and 31 fountains representing the major rivers in TN. There is also a 200 foot granite map of the state of TN where we were able to “walk” from Nashville to other TN cities.

Then we went to see the Parthenon in Centennial Park. This is the only full scale replica of the Greek Parthenon. It is incredibly realistic in detail, the columns all around the building are massive, and the stone steps are huge. www.parthenon.org
As we left there we saw signs pointing to the fairgrounds and we decided to check it out. When we got there, we saw an area where several RVs were parked, so we joined them and we parked for the night at the Tennessee State Fairgrounds. www.tennesseestatefair.org